
Showing posts from March, 2023

COMMON MORMON -: Swallowtail Butterfly

We all loved watching butterflies in our childhood, but very few people know that becoming butterfly is the last stage in the life cycle of a butterfly. Before this, there are 4 stages in the life cycle of a butterfly.  1.   Egg   2.  Larva   (caterpillar)  3.  Pupa ( chrysalis)   4.  Adult butterfly                               Host plant-:                   The plant that the butterfly lays it's eggs and caterpillar eat is called the host plant. Eg-:  1. Eggs: Lime Butterfly will definitely be laying eggs if you have citrus plants in your garden.  Butterfly lays eggs on the top and bottom of the leaves. It takes about two or four days for the eggs to hatch, then the baby caterpillars start eating the leaves. 2. Larva: ( caterpillar ) The caterpillar is th...